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 band photos
 the music
 trivia & humor

August 16, 1999 - 10:54pm :: new design, new history, more pictures
Well, it took longer than I would have liked, but I finally got the new design uploaded. With this new design comes a completed history section and a whole slew of new pictures. Go ahead and waste some bandwidth. :-)
July 4, 1999 - 10:54pm :: lots of pictures added, pictures section reorganized, more stuff...
Well, it's your faithful host back from the dead, and on a huge holiday no less. Dick has been up from North Carolina for about 2 weeks now, so we've gotten a ton of new material. The pictures section has been redesgined with individual galleries and some new high-res pictures have been added. Some pictures have been linked to large versions you can look at if you want.

We've also shuffled around some sections. The contact section has been removed, and I added contact links to the people section. There's also a new history section up. It's empty right now, but we've got a whole three-part look at the history of wadny coming up soon. It'll probably be set up tomorrow, so you have tonight to go through our pictures section. We still don't have any mp3's up yet, and that should be resolved shortly.

May 18, 1999 - 9:38pm :: pictures section opened
We've just added a brand-new pictures section. It includes pictures of us, either goofing off or playing somewhere, as well as pictures of things we've made. Right now it includes two of each, compressed down to make them easier to download. Go ahead and have a look. We've also changed the link colors to make them easier to see, since they used to blend into the gray.

We'll have a history section up eventually; we still need to write out our history. The server that we planned to put the MP3's on wouldn't respond this afternoon, so you'll have to wait a little while longer for the MP3's.

May 14, 1999 - 8:24pm :: wadny 2.0 opens
Welcome to the official information site for Western New York's Strangest Named Band, a.k.a. wadny. We've been separated for a number of years, but we feel you should have to put up with the knowledge of us running around in your head too. :-) We have sections on our history, who we are, and we have 3 mp3 files you can download. You can also e-mail the various members of the band, if you like that sorta thing.

We haven't uploaded the MP3 files yet, since they won't fit on our space, but we'll have them on another server sometime fairly soon (probably not before the end of the weekend, however).