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— this is where I’d put my random quote… IF I HAD ONE!


[20:46] *** sblat ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:46] <Asuka> sblat is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:46] <MuteMode> i'll just kill stuff
[20:47] <shinji> WINGATE ALERT
[20:47] <shinji> �Asuka� sblat is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:47] <shinji> I do too
[20:47] <shinji> but he has an insecure wingate
[20:48] <MuteMode> coming
[20:49] <Joob|Readin> ?
[20:49] <Joob|Readin> load?
[20:49] <Joob|Readin> what is he laoding
[20:49] <Joob|Readin> ?
[20:49] *** HACKER ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:49] <Asuka> sblat is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:49] <Asuka> HACKER is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:50] <HACKER> HAQ
[20:50] <haq> yes, HACKER?
[20:50] <shinji> HEHE
[20:50] <shinji> AHQHAQ
[20:50] <Joob|Readin> Dammit, DW
[20:50] <Joob|Readin> what are you and gibby doing?
[20:51] *** enf-ield ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** deeZnutSS ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** s0vietjewz ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** d34dh34d ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** wonderful_UnF ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** hi-bonk ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** mad-love ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** ownyeW ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <Asuka> enf-ield is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] *** retirement_PlaN ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** rmdir ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** fake_cc- ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** real-rooms ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** owned-88 ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** pulse_420 ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** t4st3 ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** curse_me ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** ANM-Sul is now known as Sul_[KA]
[20:51] *** antipithy ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <Asuka> s0vietjewz is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> deeZnutSS is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> d34dh34d is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> hi-bonk is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> sblat is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> pulse_420 is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> wonderful_UnF is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> t4st3 is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] *** why-not ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <Asuka> mad-love is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> curse_me is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Dicion> wtf
[20:51] *** curs3 ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** tun3z ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <Asuka> why-not is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] *** roun-ds ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <shinji> !!!!
[20:51] <Asuka> curs3 is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> tun3z is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] *** sister ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** mIkeUo ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** x|pr0n|x ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <Asuka> ownyeW is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] *** little_jew ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** arp-fun ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <Asuka> rmdir is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] *** blue-sky ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <Asuka> antipithy is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> real-rooms is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> sister is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] *** e3viLpInG ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <Asuka> owned-88 is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <shinji> HGOLY SHIT
[20:51] *** chr-255 ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** anti_preteenZ ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** forcedjewz2havesex0r ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** |tower-| ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <Asuka> e3viLpInG is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] *** Sul_[KA] ([email protected]) has left #gloom
[20:51] *** YSLxXs ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] <STERLING> hoppin nets
[20:51] <STERLING> BRB
[20:51] <Asuka> YSLxXs is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] *** Sul_[KA] ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sul_[KA]
[20:51] * Snd is away ( auto-away after 60 minutes idle ) at 05:53a ( P:Off / L:On )
[20:51] *** Snd is now known as h00m
[20:51] *** OperServ ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** services.inside3d.net sets mode: +o OperServ
[20:51] *** OperServ sets mode: +o Dicion
[20:51] *** OperServ ([email protected]) has left #gloom
[20:51] *** hugo-b0ss ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:51] *** Dicion sets mode: +i
[20:51] <Asuka> owned-88 is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:51] <Asuka> roun-ds is running an insecure wingate. You haff been warned.
[20:52] <Dicion> hey
[20:52] <haq> que tal, Dicion
[20:52] -desync.inside3d.net:#gloom- *** Notice -- Server flood protection activated for #gloom
[20:52] <Dicion> im gonna clearchan
[20:52] *** Masamune is now known as Masamu897
[20:52] *** Disconnected
Session Close: Mon Sep 20 20:52:11 1999

Session Start: Mon Sep 20 20:52:56 1999
[20:52] *** Now talking in #gloom
[20:52] 1.2 coming saturday the 25th
[20:52] ChanServ 937875667
[20:52] <Dicion> ok
[20:52] <Dicion> i think we're better
[20:53] <Sul_[KA]> that was a clear irc :(
[20:53] <Dicion> some mass join
[20:53] *** {GZ}Who-[Soup] ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:53] +tn
[20:53] 937875154
[20:53] gobblin h00609782d849.ne.mediaone.net thepeel.inside3d.net {GZ}Who-[Soup] H 2 [DSH]Who
[20:53] ikarikun PPPa16-Wilmington3-3R178.saturn.bbn.com desync.inside3d.net Asuka H 0 /msg Asuka hello
[20:53] DW dschrier.ne.mediaone.net thepeel.inside3d.net DevilWarrior|GMD H+ 2 Devil Warrior
[20:53] Fucku BRHMB103-02.splitrock.net thepeel.inside3d.net Joober H 2 Eos polythig
[20:53] dbossom cgowave-88-254.cgocable.net thepeel.inside3d.net {GZ}RipFlex H 2 RipFlex
[20:53] help ghetto.inside3d.net sblat H 2 F000d
[20:53] rich tc2-ppp11.wzrd.com dnfworld.inside3d.net Dicion H 3 NONE
[20:53] dubious pm-3-45.Dalton.VoyagerOnline.net thepeel.inside3d.net Mankovic H 2 L'e Fromage' fumunda
[20:53] Sul_ANM dialin-82135.ewetel.net thepeel.inside3d.net Sul_[KA] H@ 2 Sul [ANM]
[20:53] yarley cx38958-a.elcjn1.sdca.home.com desync.inside3d.net Q H*@ 0 Xian's Underwear v3.133.7
[20:53] 0wnj00 sdn-ar-004watacoP091.dialsprint.net thepeel.inside3d.net h00m H 2 @()*#$)(#$(*#$())!#!@
[20:53] Masamune rs197174.resnet.nmu.edu thepeel.inside3d.net Masamu897 H 2 Hachiman the War God!!
[20:53] stal cgowave-9-112.cgocable.net dnfworld.inside3d.net Stal H 3 I did it all for the Nookie.
[20:53] phazer h00609782d849.ne.mediaone.net thepeel.inside3d.net phazer H 2 This confusion is my illusion
[20:53] FireBlade el02-24-131-162-194.ce.mediaone.net thepeel.inside3d.net Fire|other H 2 Tim
[20:53] End of /WHO list.
[20:53] *** shinji ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:53] <shinji> HOLY SHITOMFG
[20:53] *** Mankovic ([email protected]) has left #gloom
[20:53] *** Mankovic ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:53] *** Fire|other is now known as FireBlade
[20:53] *** STERLING ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:53] *** Xelfer ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:53] *** Mankovic is now known as Mank
[20:53] <Sul_[KA]> GET PLAYABLE BETA OF HOMEWORLD: http://walkington.com/max/fragdaddy/Sul/
[20:53] <STERLING> ugh the whole nets lagged
[20:53] <STERLING> any good servers?
[20:53] <Sul_[KA]> anyone seen dragonslicer ?
[20:53] <Xelfer> oh jeez, what was that? I was afk...
[20:53] *** Darkhalo ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:53] <STERLING> and who was that?
[20:53] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Darkhalo
[20:53] *** Mank ([email protected]) has left #gloom
[20:53] *** Mank ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:53] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mank
[20:53] *** Darkhalo has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Undefined error: 0))
[20:54] *** Mank sets mode: +i
[20:54] <STERLING> this net has probs
[20:54] <Dicion> there were mass joins & floods
[20:54] <STERLING> it really truly does
[20:54] <Joober> Sul
[20:54] <shinji> Jholy shit
[20:54] <Sul_[KA]> ay
[20:54] <Joober> are you gonna add a second entrance to the Human base or what?
[20:54] <Sul_[KA]> no
[20:54] <Joober> its a camp fest waiting to happen
[20:54] <Sul_[KA]> maybe
[20:54] <Dicion> What that was people
[20:54] <Sul_[KA]> i want to test it before release
[20:54] <Joober> One grunt could keep that mofo totally covered
[20:54] <Sul_[KA]> never
[20:55] <Dicion> was a bunch of script kiddies trying to attack a channel
[20:55] <Dicion> friggin homos
[20:55] <shinji> TRYING?
[20:55] <Dicion> no
[20:55] <Mank> Srer: we were just flood joined
[20:55] <Joober> lol
[20:55] <Dicion> they flooded everyone
[20:55] <Dicion> i cleared the chan
[20:55] * Dicion is looking at my status window
[20:55] <Dicion> i have about 500 CTCP's
[20:55] <Dicion> luckily i was cloaked
[20:55] <Joober> !
[20:55] <Dicion> and didnt get killed off
[20:55] <shinji> Dicion: me too
[20:56] <STERLING> I hopped so I didnt see all of this
[20:56] *** OperServ ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:56] *** services.inside3d.net sets mode: +o OperServ
[20:56] *** OperServ sets mode: -i
[20:56] *** OperServ ([email protected]) has left #gloom
[20:56] <Mank> NO...leave invite on for a few minutes...
[20:56] <Dicion> if they start join flooding again
[20:56] *** MuteMode ([email protected]) has joined #gloom
[20:56] <Dicion> it goes back
[20:56] <MuteMode> errrr
[20:56] <MuteMode> i dunno be there in a sec though
[20:56] <FireBlade> is there anyway you can not accept pings?