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— this is where I’d put my random quote… IF I HAD ONE!

Other random pictures

The Belchee seed catalog, page 1
The Belchee seed catalog, page 1 (click to enlarge)
The Belchee seed catalog, page 2
The Belchee seed catalog, page 2 (click to enlarge)
A picture of Paul taking a picture
A picture of Paul taking a picture (click to enlarge)
A bit of Pythonesque humor
A bit of Pythonesque humor (click to enlarge)
The gang "fixing" the car
The gang “fixing” the car (click to enlarge)
Putting the car on its side to work on the bottom
Putting the car on its side to work on the bottom
The band members in 1974
That was then… (click to enlarge)
The band members in 2001
…then in 2001… (click to enlarge)
The band members in 2008
…then in 2008… (click to enlarge)
The band members in 2017
…and most recently in 2017 (click to enlarge)